
Friday, December 31, 2010

To break off relations with a Muslim is a sin...

The Holy Prophet said... He/She who breaks off from his/her (Muslim) brother/sister more than three and dies (during this period) will go to Hell... (Ahmad)

The Holy Prophet Said... (O Muslims) Do not hate each other, do not envy one another, and do not be hostile to one another...
7 Most Common Mistakes We Make During Our Salah/Namaz/Prayers!

Mistake 1: Reciting Surat al-Fatiha fast without pausing after each verse

The Prophet (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) used to pause after each verse of this surah. (Abu Dawood)

Mistake 2: Sticking the arms to the sides of the body, in rukoo' or sujood, and sticking the belly to the thighs in sujood.(only for men)

The Messenger of Allah (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) said: 'Let not one of you support himself on his forearms (in sujood) like the dog. Let him rest on his palms and keep his elbows away from his body.' (Sahih Muslim). The Messenger of Allah (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) used to keep his arms away from his body during rukoo' and sujood that the whiteness of his armpits could be seen (Sahih Muslim).

Mistake 3: Gazing upward during prayer.

This may cause loss of concentration. We are commanded to lower our gaze, and look at the point at which the head rests during sujood. The Prophet (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) warned: 'Let those who raise their gaze up during prayer stop doing so, or else their sights would not return to them. I.e. Lose their eyesight].' (Muslim)

Mistake 4 : Resting only the tip of the head on the floor during sujood.

The Prophet (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) said: 'I am commanded to prostrate on seven bones the forehead and the nose, the two hands [palms], the two knees, and the two feet.' (Sahih Muslim) Applying the above command necessitates resting the forehead and the nose on the ground during sujood.

Mistake 5 : Hasty performance of prayer which does not allow repose and calmness in rukoo' or sujood.

The Messenger of Allah (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) saw a man who did not complete his rukoo' [bowing], and made a very short sujood [prostration] ; he (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) said: 'If this man dies while praying in this manner, he would die upholding a religion other than the religion of Muhammad.' Abu Hurairah Radi Allahu anhu said:

'My beloved friend, Muhammad (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) forbade me to perform postures of prayer copying the picking of a rooster; (signifying fast performance of prayer), moving eyes around like a fox and the sitting like monkeys (I.e. To sit on thighs).' (Imam Ahmad & at-Tayalisi) The Messenger of Allah (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) said:' The worst thief is the one who steals from his own prayer.' People asked, 'Messenger of Allah! How could one steal from his own prayer?' He (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) said: 'By not completing its rukoo' and sujood.' (At Tabarani & al-Hakim).

To complete rukoo' is to stay in that posture long enough to recite 'Subhana rabbiyal Adtheem' three times, SLOWLY, and 'Subhana Rabbiyal-a'ala' three times, SLOWLY, in sujood. He (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) also announced: 'He who does not complete his rukoo' and sujood, his prayer is void.' (Abu Dawood & others)

Mistake 6 : Counting tasbeeh with the left hand

The Prophet (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) used to count tasbeeh on the fingers of his right hand after salah. Ibn Qudamah Radi Allahu anhu said: ' The Messenger of Allah (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) used his right hand for tasbeeh.' (Abu Dawood). The above hadeeth indicates clearly that the Prophet (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) used only one hand for counting tasbeeh. No Muslim with sound mind would imagine that the Prophet (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) used his left hand for counting tasbeeh. Aa'ishah Radi Allahu anhu said that the Prophet (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) used his left hand only for Istinjaa', or cleaning himself after responding to the call of nature. He never used it for tasbeeh. Yasirah Radi Allahu anhu reported: The Prophet (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) commanded women to count tasbeeh on their fingers.

The Messenger of Allah (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) said: 'They (the fingers) will be made to speak, and will be questioned (on the Day of Resurrection. )' (At-Tirmidhi). The above Hadeeth indicates that it is preferable to count tasbeeh on the fingers of the right hand than to do so on masbahah (rosary).

Mistake 7 : Crossing in front of a praying person.

The Messenger of Allah (sal-lal-lahu alai hi wa sallam) warned: 'Were the one who crosses in front of a praying person to know the consequences of doing so, he would have waited for *forty better than to cross in front of him.' (Sahih Bukhari and Muslim).

Saturday, December 25, 2010

“Whenever I set myself the task to learn, I realize how little I know,
and the more I learn, the more I realize how ignorant I am.”
[Imam ash-Shafi’ee (rahimahullaah)]
Ibn 'Umar and Abu Hurairah رضي الله تعالى عنه reported: We heard the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم saying (while delivering Khutbah on his wooden pulpit), "Either some people (i.e., hypocrites) stop neglecting the Friday prayers, or Allah will seal their hearts and they will be among the heedless.'' [Muslim]

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Muslim aqeeda about Allah

Muslims Aqeedah about Allah SWT

1. Allah is ONE.

2. HE alone is worthy of worship.And none besides HIM is worthy of worship.

3. HE has no partner.

4. Nothing is hidden from HIM. HE even knows the thoughts that go on in a person's mind

5. HE is most powerful.

6. HE created the Earth, the Skies, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Angels, Human Beings & the whole Universe.

7. HE gives life and death.

8. HE gives sustainance to all creation.

9. HE does not eat or drink or sleep.

10. HE is forever and will live forever.

11. HE was not created by anyone.

12. He does not have any parents, wife or children.

13. HE does not depend on anybody. All depend on HIM

14. Nobody resembles ALLAH, and HE resembles none.

15. HE is pure from ALL faults.

16. HE does not have eyes, nose or a body like that of human beings.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

If we must compare ourselves to others, we should do so with those who have less going for them than ourselves. Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “Look towards those who are beneath you and do not look towards those who are above you. This is better so that you do not belittle Allah’s blessings.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]
‎"The intelligent person’s tongue is behind his heart: when he wants to speak, he first thinks. If [his words] will be in his favor, he says them, and if they will be against him, he does not speak. And the ignorant person’s heart is behind his tongue: when he merely thinks of saying something, he says it, whether it is for or against him." [Al-Hasan Al-Basrî]

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It is haraam to imitate the Mushrikeen & kuffaar in their manner of dress, so it is not permissible to wear clothing that is unique to the kuffaar.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) saw ‘Ali wearing two garments dyed with safflower and said: These are garments of the kuffaar; do not wear them. (Muslim | 2077)

It is mustahab (Recommended) to wear white clothes

Wear white clothes, for they are the best of your clothes, and shroud your dead in them. (al-Tirmidhi | 994)

Thank Allah and make Dua when putting on new clothes - You get reward.

It is Sunnah for the one who is putting on a new garment to thank Allaah and make du’aa’. 

When the Prophet (peace be upon him) put on a new garment, he would call it by its name, whether it was a turban, a shirt or a cloak, then he would say:

Allaahumma laka al-hamd anta kasawtanihi as’aluka khayrahu wa khayri ma suni’a lah wa a’oodhu bika min sharrihi wa sharri ma suni’a lah

(O Allaah, to You be all praise. You have clothed me with it. I ask You for the good of it and the good for which it was made, and I seek refuge with You from the evil of it and the evil for which it was made).

(al-Tirmidhi | 1767 | Abu Dawood | 4020)

Brothers: It is Haram to wear Gold and Silk.

Prophet (peace be upon him) said: These two (gold and silk) are forbidden for the males of my ummah and permissible for the females. (Ibn Maajah | 3640)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The one who suffers from Migraines and severe headaches is in fact very fortunate.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) suffered very much from severe headaches and migraines. Sometimes, for days on end he would suffer extreme pain and would even deliver the khutbah (sermon) with his head covered in oily bandages.

Once, describing the People of the Fire (Jahannam). Rasulullah (peace be upon him) said: They are those who do not suffer from pain in their heads.

Just then a bedouin entered and he asked him: O Bedouin! Did you ever experience this type of headache?

He replied: What is a headache?

Rasulullah (peace be upon him) said: It is the throbbing of veins in the head of a person.

The man replied: I have never experienced this.

When the bedouin turned to go away, Rasulullah (peace be upon him) said: Whoever wishes to look at a person from the People of the Fire should look at this Man. (Ahmad)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dua for Protection from ur enemy:

Dua for Protection from ur enemy:

O Allah,You are my strength & You are my support.For Your sake I go forth & for Your sake I advance & for Your sake I fight.

اللّهُـمَّ أَنْتَ عَضُـدي، وَأَنْتَ نَصـيري، بِكَ أَجـولُ وَبِكَ أَصـولُ وَبِكَ أُقـاتِل

Allaahumma Anta azudee,wa Anta naseeree,bika ajoolu,wa bika asoolu,wa bika uqaatilu.

Abu Dawud 3/42, At-Tirmidhi 5/572. See also Al-Albani, Sahih At-Tirmidhi 3/183.

Darood Ibrahim

   اللهم صــلی علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما صليت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك 

حميد مجيد

اللهم بارك علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما بار كت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Read this supplication to ask for forgiveness from ALLAH.

Read this supplication to ask for forgiveness from ALLAH.


Dua e Qunoot

SYED UL ASTAGHFAAR (dua for forgiveness)

SYED UL ASTAGHFAAR (dua for forgiveness)

O Allah! You are my Rubb. There is no true God except You. You have created me, and I am Your slave, and I hold to Your Covenant as far as I can. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done. I acknowledge the favours that You have bestowed upon me, and I confess my sins. Pardon me, for none but You has the power to pardon

Allah humma anta rabbi la ilaaha illa anta khalaqtani wa aana abduka wa aana alaa ahdika wawa`dika mastata`tu aaoo`zubika min sharri ma sana`tu aaboo oolaka binaymatika aa layya wa aaboo oo bi zambi faghfirli zunubi fa innahu la yaghfiruzzunuba illa anta

He who supplicates in these terms during the day with firm belief in it and dies on the same day (before the evening), he will be one of the dwellers of Jannah; and if anyone supplicates in these terms during the night with firm belief in it and dies before the morning, he will be one of the dwellers of Jannah "


AL-BUKHARI, Volume 8, Book 75, Number 318.

Dua (Supplication) to get rid of SORROW,ANXIETY & GRIEF

Dua (Supplication) to get rid of SORROW,ANXIETY & GRIEF
اللّهُـمَّ رَحْمَتَـكَ أَرْجـوفَلا تَكِلـني إِلى نَفْـسي طَـرْفَةَ عَـيْن، وَأَصْلِـحْ لي شَأْنـي كُلَّـه لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أنْـت

Allah humma rahmataka arjoo falaa takilnee ilaa nafsee tarfata aynin wa aslih lee sha`nee kullahu laa ilaaha illaa anta

O Allah, I hope for Your mercy. Do not leave me to myself even for the blinking of an eye (i.e. a moment). Correct all of my affairs for me.There is none worthy of worship but You.


Abu Dawud 4/324, Ahmad 5/42. Al-Albani graded it as good in Sahih Abu Dawud 3/959.
Abu Dharr reported that the Prophet (SAW) said, "Shall I tell you the words that Allah loves the most?" I said: "Yes, tell me, O Messenger of Allah." He said: "The words dearest to Allah are

سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ 

- SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi 

(Glory be to Allah and Praise Him) 

[Muslim and Tirmidhi]

Sunday, November 21, 2010

:. Dala'il al-Khayrat .:

:. Dala'il al-Khayrat .:

Bashair al-Khairat

Bashair al-Khairat

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ISHAAT DURUD                                                 




.DUA to recite When in distress or difficulty or sorrow:Source for this dua subsection: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, volume 4, no 128
1. Ibn ‘Abbas reported, “The Prophet, peace be upon him, at times of sorrow and grief used to supplicate, 

La ilaha illa Allah Al-’Azim, Al-’Alim, la ilaha illa Allah, Rabbul ‘arshil ‘Azim, la ilaha illa Allahu, Rabbus-Samawati wa rabbul ardi wa rabbul ‘arshi karim (There is no god but Allah, the Mighty, the Forbearing, there is no god but Allah, the Lord of the mighty throne, there is no god but Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and the Lord of the throne of honor)’.”Source: Bukhari and Muslim.
2. Anas said that when the Prophet, peace be upon him, was faced with a serious difficulty, he would always supplicate,
“Ya Hayyu, ya Qayyumu, bi-rahmatika astaghithu 
(O the Living, O the Eternal, I seek help in Your grace).Source: Tirmidhi
3. Abu Hurairah reported that whenever the Prophet, peace be upon him, was faced with a serious difficulty, he would raise his head to the sky and supplicate,

“Subhan-Allah al-’Azim 

(glory be to Allah, the Mighty).”
And when he implored seriously and strongly, he would say
“Ya Hayyu, Ya Qayyum 

(O the Living, the Eternal One).”Source: Tirmidhi

4. Abu Bakr reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “The supplications of distress are, 
‘Allahumma rahmataka arju, fala takilni ila nafsi tarfata ‘ain, wa aslah li sha’ni kullahu, la ilaha illa anta 
(O Allah, I hope for Your mercy, so give me not over to my self even for as little as wink of an eye, and set right all my affairs, there is no god but You).”Source: Abu Daw’ud

5. Asma, daughter of ‘Amais, reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, asked her, “Shall I tell you words that you may say in times of pain or distress. These are,

‘Allah, Allah, Rabbi la ushriku bihi shai’an
(Allah, Allah, my Lord, I associate none with Him).” Another narration says that these words should be said seven times.Source: Abu Daw’ud

6. Sa’d ibn Waqas reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “The supplication made by the Companion of the Fish (Prophet Yunus) in the belly of the fish was,
‘La ilaha illa anta, subhanaka, inni kuntu minaz-zalimin(there is no god but You, You are far exalted and above all weaknesses, and I was indeed the wrongdoer)’. If any Muslim supplicates in these words, his supplication will be accepted.” In another report we read, “I know words that will cause Allah to remove one’s distress. These are the words (of supplication) of my brother Yunus, peace be upon him,”Source: Tirmidhi

7. Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “If any servant of Allah afflicted with distress or grief makes this supplication, his supplication will be accepted: ‘O Allah, I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of your maidservant. My forehead is in Your hand. Your command conceming me prevails, and Your decision concerning me is just. I call upon You by every one of the beautiful names by which You have described Yourself, or which You have revealed in Your book, or have taught anyone of Your creatures, or which You have chosen to keep in the knowledge of the unseen with You, to make the Qur’an the delight of my heart, the light of my breast, and remover of my griefs, sorrows, and afflictions‘.” A supplication in these words will be answered. Allah will remove one’s affliction and replace it with joy and happiness.Source: Reported by Ahmad and Ibn Hibban

8. Anas reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, used to supplicate, “O Allah, there is no ease except what You make easy, and you alone can turn a difficulty into ease.” (Ibn As-sinni)
Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 4, #131

9. Allah’s Apostle used to say at the time of difficulty, “None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Majestic, the Most Forbearing. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Lord of the Tremendous Throne. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Lord of the Heavens and the Lord of the Honourable Throne.”
Source: narrated by Ibn Abbas in Sahih Bukhari, volume 9, #526.

collection of Various Duroods,

collection of Various Duroods,

The Great Virtues and Benefits of Ayat Al-Kursi

The Great Virtues and Benefits of Ayat Al-Kursi
Ayat al-kursi
Allahu la ilaha illa huwa Al -Haiyul-Qaiyum
La ta'khudhuhu sinatun wa la nawm
lahu ma fi as-samawati wa ma fil-'ard
Man dhal-ladhi yashfa'u 'indahu illa bi-idhnihi
Ya'lamu ma bayna aydihim
wa ma khalfahumwa la yuhituna bi shai'in min 'ilmihi illa bima sha'a
Wasi'a kursiyuhus-samawati wal ard
wa la ya'uduhu hifdhuhuma wa Hu wal 'Aliyul-Adheem

Allah! There is no god but He - the Living, The Self-subsisting,Eterpnal.No slumber can seize Him Nor Sleep.His are all things In the heavens and on earth.Who is there can intercede In His presence except As he permitteth?He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures As) Before or After or Behind them.Nor shall they compass Aught of his knowledge Except as He willeth.His throne doth extend Over the heavens And on earth, and He feeleth No fatigue inguarding And preserving them, For He is the Most High. The Supreme (in glory).Al-Baqarah 2: 255

The benefits and virtues of this Ayah are numerous and here are some of them:A Guarantee of Paradise inshallah!
It was narrated that Abu Umamah said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever recites Ayat Al-Kursi immediately after each prescribed Prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death.” (Reported by An-Nasa’i and Ibn Hibban.)
In it the Most Great Name of Allah (ismullahi al-’atham) is mentioned.
It protects one’s self, property and home from the shayatin (devils) and brings one relief from difficulties.

The believer who recites it following an obligatory salah is under the Care and Protection of Allah until the commencement of the next prayer.

It is the only place in the Quran where the Kursi (Footstool of Allah) is mentioned

It brings an abundance of blessings when recited and blown upon food and drink 

Here are some hadith about the great benefits and virtues of Ayat ul Kursi:Hadhrat Ali (ra) says that the chief of the Ayats of the Qur'aan Kareem is Ayatul Kursi.

Hadhrat Ibn Masood (ra) says that Allaah the Lofty did not create any thing in the skies or on earth, in Jannat or Jahannam, loftier than Ayatul Kursi.

Hadhrat Ibn Masood (ra) says that no space in the sky or on the earth is loftier than Ayatul Kursi.

Hadhrat Ali bin Kaab (ra) remarks that Nabi (saw) asked him," Which is the most high ranking Aayat in the Qur'aan Kareem?" He said, " Allaah and His Rasul know best". Rasulallah repeated this statement very often. Hadhrat Ali (ra) stated, "Ayatul Kursi". Nabi (saw) said:"Oh Abul Munzar (family name of Abi bin Kaab). May you be blessed by this knowledge. I swear by that Being in whose Hands and Control is my life, that this Ayat has one tongue and two lips. It is by the threshold of Allaah's Arsh, Mentioning His purity".

It is reported from Hadhrat Askee Baqri that Nabi (saw) came to the abode of the Muhajreen when one person asked, "In the Qur'aan Kareem which is the most lofty Ayat?" Nabi (saw) repeated "Ayatul Kursi".

Hadhrat Hassan reports "Marfoonaan"," I have been given Ayatul Kursi. Nabi (saw) said," Surah Fateha, Ayatul Kursi and the two Ayats of Al-Imraan (Shaheedal Allaah - 18th Ayat), and "Qul Allaahumma Malekal mulk til Bi Ghairi Hisaab (Ayat 26/7) are attached to the Arsh and say, "Oh our Rabb, You are sending us onto earth to disobedient ones!!! Allaah says ," I have given you such status, whosoever from amongst my servants recites you after every Salaat, his resting place will be Jannat. And I will make his abode in Jannatul Quddoos and fulfill 70 needs of his daily needs, the least of which is forgiving him and saving him from all enemies of evils.

It is equivalent to a quarter of the Qur'aan.

Hadhrat Anas (RA) narrates that Rasulallaah (saw) asked one of his companions: "Oh, so and so are you married?" He replied: "No, I do not have enough wealth that I may marry.” Nabi (saw) said: "Do you know Surah Qul Huwallaahu Ahad?" The Sahaba replied: "I know". Nabi (saw) said: "It is equal to a quarter of the Qur'aan. Nabi (saw) asked: "Do you not know Qul Yaa Ayyuhal Kaafiroon?" The Sababi replied "I know". Nabi (saw) said ““It is equal to a quarter of the Qur'aan." Nabi (saw) asked, "Do you not know Surah "Iza Zul Zilzilaat " ?" The Sahaabi replied, "I Know". Nabi (saw) said: "It is a quarter of the Qur'aan". Nabi (saw) asked: "Do you not know Surah Iza Jaa a Nasrullaahi Wal Fath" The Sahabi replied "I Know" Nabi (saw) said, it is a quarter of the Qur'aan. Nabi (saw) asked: "Do you know the Ayatul Kursi?" The Sahabi replied "I know". Nabi (saw) said, "It is equal to a quarter of the Qur'aan. Marry, Marry, Marry."
The Benefits and Virtues of Ayat ul Kursi
Hadhrat Anas (ra) said that Nabi (saw) said, "The one who recites Ayatul Kursi after every fard Salaat will be protected until the next Salaat and this is constantly done by a Nabi or a Siddiq or a martyr.

Hadhrat Hassan bin Ali (ra) says, "A person once asked: "Oh Rasulallaah (saw) what does that person receive who recites Ayatul Kursi after every Fard Salaat ? Nabi (saw) said: "That person remains under the protection of Allaah until the next Salaat."

Hadhrat Anas (ra) says: Rasulallaah (saw) asked; "Do you know which Ayat in the Qur'aan is most lofty?” I said, Allaah and his Rasul know more." Nabi (saw) read Ayatul Kursi

Hadhrat Efai bin Abdullah Kallee said that one person asked."Oh Rasulallaah (saw), which Ayat in the Qur'aan is the most lofty one?" Nabi (saw) said: " Ayatul Kursi". The person asked,"Which Ayat has those benefits which you desire for your Ummah, in the Qur'aan?" Nabi (saw) said: "The last Ayat of Surah Baqarah, for it is from the treasures of Allaah from underneath the threshold of the Arsh. It encompasses all the good of this world and the Aakhiraat".

Hadhrat Muhammad bin al Saumi bin Al Salsal bin Damasc narrates from his father, who in turn, narrates from his father that Prophet(saw) said: " Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi after every fard Salaat, there is only death between him and Jannat", he will enter into Jannat immediately when he dies.

Hadhrat Ibne Anas (ra) says that Rasulallaah (saw) said: "The one who recites Ayatul Kursi after every Fard Salaat, Allaah will grant him a gratifying heart, actions of the truthful and reward like the prophets (ambiya) .Special mercies will descend upon him, and death is the only barrier from his entrance into Jannat. On dying he will enter Jannat". inshallah
Extra Blessing upon food it is blown upon

Hadhrat Ayesha (R.A.) narrates that one person came to Nabi (saw) and said that there was absolutely no "Barakat" (blessings) in the things at home. Nabi (saw) replied, "Why are you neglectful of Ayatul Kursi."
Whenever Aayatul Kursi is recited upon food, Allaah will increase the Barakat in that food.
For protection of one’s self, wealth, property and home from Satan:Hadhrat Ali (RA) says "I have heard Rasulallaah (saw) say that person who recites Ayatul Kursi after every Salaat, only death prevents him from Jannat and who recites it whilst retiring to his sleeping place, Allaah will protect his house, his neighbours and even his surroundings.

Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (ra) narrates this (above) Hadith from Rasulallaah (saw), with the addition that there is an Ayat in Surah Baqara, which is the chief ayat of the Qur'aan. Whosoever recites it in a house wherein Shaitaan is, he (Shaitaan) will leave.

Hadhrat Ibne Masood (ra) says that a person requested Rasulallaah (saw) to teach him something that will benefit him. "Nabi (saw) said,” Read Ayatul Kursi, it will protect you, your children, home and even those houses surrounding your house."

In times of difficulty:Hadhrat Abu Zar (RA) says that he asked Rasulallaah (SAW) which was the most (Arabic) (lofty, respectable) Ayat revealed to you? Nabi (SAW) replied, "Ayatul Kursi".
Aid at the time difficulty and Angels stipulated it for Protection

Hadhrat Abu Qatada (RA) narrates that Nabi (SAW) said."Whoever reads Ayatul Kursi and the last Ayat of Surah Baqarah when in difficulty, then Allaah listens to that plea."

Hadhrat Qatadah (RA) says,” Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi on his sleeping bed, Allaah Ta'aala nominates 2 angels to protect him until morning.

Easy child-birth

Hadhrat Fatima Zahra (ra) narrates,” When the time approached for her delivery, then Nabi (saw) ordered Hadhrat Umme Salama (ra) and Hadhrat Zainab (ra) to go to Fatima and recite Ayatul Kursi and "Inna Rabba Kumullaah" (the whole Ayat) and the last two Quls and blow on her.
Ayatul Kursi is the Best Means of ProtectionHadhrat Ali (ra) narrates,” I cannot understand how a person, who is a Muslim and owner of reason (intellect), can spend the night without reading Ayatul Kursi. If you knew the benefits of it, then you will never discard it under any condition". Rasulallaah (saw) stated,"I have been given Aayatul Kursi from the treasures under the Arsh of Allaah and it was not given to anyone before me".
Hadhrat Ali (ra) says, "From the time I have heard this, I have never passed a night without reading it".

Hadhrat Abu Huraia (ra) said that Rasulallaah (saw) stated that whosoever reads "Haa meem al Mu'minoon" upto "al maseer" and Ayatul Kursi in the morning, will be protected until the evening and whoever reads both of these in the night will be protected until the morning.

Hadhrat Ibne Abbass (ra) narrated that the Bani Israeel asked Musa(A.S.), "Does your Rabb sleep?" Musa(A.S.) said, "Fear Allaah". Allaah ordered," Oh Musa, your nation has asked you whether your Rabb sleeps? Take two glasses in your hand and stand with it for the whole night." Hadhrat Musa (A.S) did as he was ordered. When on third of the night passed, he fell on his knees but stood up immediately. During the latter part of the night, sleep overcame him and the glasses fell and broke. Allaah said, "Oh Musa, if I sleep then the sky will fall on the earth and destroy it just as the two glasses fell from your hands and broke.” Then Allaah Ta'aala revealed unto Nabi (saw) Ayatul Kursi.
Fulfilling 70 needs and the Ayat which gives Jannat.
Hadhrat Ali (ra) narrates that Surah Fatiha, Ayatul Kursi and two Ayats of Al Imraan (Shahidallaahu Anahu la...... Azzizul Hakeem) and (Qul Ghairi Hisaab) are linked to the arch of Allaah and between them and Allaah there are no veils. These Ayats said to Allaah "You are sending us unto earth and amongst those who become disobedient." Allaah said,"By my Being, I say, that whoever of my servants reads you (addressing the Ayats) after every fard Salaat, I will make his resting place Jannat, irrespective of what action he may be involved in and will make him stay in "Blessed Peace" and view him with my hidden eye daily seventy times and fulfil seventy of his needs daily, amongst which the smallest is forgiveness and I will protect him from every enemy and assist him against the enemies".

Some of the Virtues of Ayatul Kursi Summarised

This is the loftiest Ayat of the Qur'aan.

It is the chief Ayat of the Qur'aan. 
The reader of it is protected from the evil effects of the Jinnat from morning until evening and from evening until morning.It is from the threshold of the Arsh of Allah (Throne of Allah).It is equivalent to a quarter of the Qur'aan.Whoever recites it after the Fard Salaat will be protected until the next Salaat and and only death is the barrier between the reader and Jannat inshallah.Blowing it upon food and drink brings blessings and abundance on the food or drink that it is blown upon.It is greater than the skies, earth, Jannat and Jahannam.Whosoever reads it upon entering the home; Satan finds it intolerable to stay there and runs squealing like a donkey.The reader, his children, home, wealth, property and the homes of his neighbours are safe.Whosoever reads it together with the last Ayats of Surah Baqarah, Shaitaan does not enter his home for at least three days this is how powerful the effects are of this Ayah.The Jinnaat cannot open any utensils upon which this Ayat is read.In it is the Ism Azam. (Blessed name of Allah; through which the invoker's duaa is fulfilled).
The thief does not come near its reciter.
When recited with the last Ayat of Surah Baqarah then the plea of the reader will not go unattended.When reading it when going to bed then one is protected until the morning. Two angels are deputed to protect him.Whosoever recites it after every fard Salaat, will be rewarded with a grateful heart, a remembering tongue, the reward of being martyred in the path of Allaah, and will also be rewarded like the Siddiques.Who reads it and "Inna Rabba bi kum Allaah.." and the last two Quls for a women on delivery, then the delivery becomes easy for her inshallah.When one reads it and blows on his possessions and goods, then Shaitaan cannot come near the possessions.Whosoever reads Ayatul Kursi and the beginning of Surah Ghafir in the morning then he will be protected and be safe from the morning until the evening and vice versa.


Lets not miss out on this immense reward and blessings and lets learn it if we don’t know it and increase in reading it if we don’t do so already and remind others also to do the same and we shall receive the reward! Let’s also teach our families, kids, friends and all the Muslims we can about the great virtues and benefits of the greatest Ayah of the Glorious Qur’an!


Bismillahir Rehmanir Raheem


"O Allah! Shower Thy blessings on the soul of Muhammad amongst all Souls, on the heart of Muhammad amongst all hearts, and on the body of Muhammad amongst all bodies, and on the grave of Muhammad amongst all graves". 

A poor man complained to Hazrat Shahabuddin Ibn Arslan (radi Allahu anhu) about his illness. The disease was incurable. No doctor or physician could even suggest any medicine for his disease. Hazrat Shahabuddin (radi Allahu anhu), who was a very great Saint, listened patiently to this poor man and then told him to recite the above Durood Shareef. The poor man immediately did so and his illness disappeared so quickly as if it was never present. The poor man gladly returned to his house.

Saturday, November 20, 2010



1) Sit and eat on the floor. 
2) Spread out a cloth on the floor first before eating. 
3) Wash both hands up to the wrists. 
4) Recite "Bismillah wa'la barakatillah' aloud. 
5) Eat with the right hand. 
6) Eat from the side that is in front of you. 
7) If a morsel of food falls down, pick it up, clean it and eat it. 
8) Do not find fault with the food. 
9) When eating, sit with either both knees on the ground or one knee raised or both knees raised. 
10) Clean the plate and other utensils thoroughly after eating. 
11) By doing this, the utensils make dua for one's forgiveness. 
12) Recite dua after eating. ( Al-hamdu-lillahilazi atamana wa saqana wa jaalna minal musalameen )
13) After meals wash both the hands. 
14) Eat with three fingers if possible. 
15) One should not eat very hot food. 
16) Do not blow on the food. 
17) After eating one should lick his fingers.



Narrated by AbuSa'id al-Khudri(Radhiallaho anho): Allah's Messenger (sallAllaahu `alaihi wasallam) said: When one of you yawns, he should try to restrain it with the help of his hand since it is the Satan that enters therein. [ Sahih Muslim Number 7131 ]
The Prophet (S A W) said: 

1) "When you yawn, cover your mouth with your hand." (Muslim)

2) "Try as hard as possible to overcome your yawns while you are in your prayers". (Muslim)

3) "Allah likes the sneeze and dislikes the yawn. When someone amongst you makes a sound like "aah aah" while yawning, the shaitan (satan) laughs in his open mouth." (Tirmidhi)

4) "Allah likes the sneeze and dislikes the yawn. When someone among you sneezes and says: 'Alhamdulillah' (All praise to Allah [for relieving me]), it is essential for all those who hear him to say: "yarhamukallah" (May Allah have mercy on you). While if someone feels that he is about to yawn, he should try to overcome it, as much as possible [and if it is not possible to overcome it] he must not make sounds like: "haah haah". These sounds are prompted by the shaitan (satan) and he laughs when you make such sounds [while yawning]". (Tirmidhi)


A Muslim has to remain clean and tidy and the time. Growing nails is a detested act and may lead to various diseases. The Holy Prophet (SAW), therefore, urged the Muslims to clip their nails at regular intervals. 

Abu Hurayra (RA) reported that the Glorious Prophet (SAW) said: “Five things are from the traditions of the Prophets of the old: circumcision, removing the hair below the navel, trimming the moustaches, cutting the nails and removing the hair from armpit.” (Bukhari, Muslim).

The Holy Prophet not only prescribed the duration but the mode of cutting nails as well. The glorious Prophet (SAW) and the pious companions (RA) would clip their nails every week. Nail clipping every Friday is desirable if it may be inconvenient, then once in a fortnight. In any case, nails should not be allowed to grow more than forty days at a stretch. (Reported by Muslim and narrated by Anas (RA).

Durr-e- Mukhtar quoting the most revered Prophet (SAW) reports a simple method. “Start cutting the nails from the pointer of the right hand and finish with the little finger. Then start cutting the nails of the left hand beginning from the little finger and finish with the thumb and finally cut the nails of the right thumb.”

A Muslim should not clip his nails when taking a bath has become obligatory for him/her. Similarly a woman should not clip her nails during periods. It is Makrooh (not desirable).

Clipping nails is necessary. Abu Hurayra (RA) reported that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “He who does not shave off the hair from the abdomen and does not cut his nails and does not trim his moustaches, is not of us” (Muslim).
This hadith applies to women as well as far as clipping nails is concerned. The women by and large grow their nails. According to them long nails add to their beauty. The hadith must serve as an eye opener for them. Conceding one’s faith for long nails is not a good bargain.
Some people eat their nails. This has been strictly forbidden by the most revered Prophet (SAW). According to Alamgiri it may cause leprosy. It also makes others sick.

However, a person should not clip his nails while in Ahraam or during the first ten days of Dhul Hajj if he intends to offer sacrifice. "Once the ten days start, for those of you who have the intention to sacrifice, let them not cut any of their hair or nails (until they sacrifice)." (Al Muslim). 

Cutting the nails is part of the fitrah and a person may cut his nails whenever he wants, at any time of day or night. Also there is no specific rulings as to bury it or dispose it or throw it away. Perhaps some Muslims Scholars have preferred Friday since this day every Muslim is to take a bath, clean bodies and do most of the fitra activities. (Allah knows best)

Whoever does not cut his nails is going against the fitrah. The reason behind this is cleanliness and hygiene, because dirt can gather under the nails. It also serves the purpose of making us different from those among the kuffaar who allow their nails to grow long, and from animals that have claws and talons.
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1) A Muslim should drink with the right hand. Shaytaan Drinks with the left hand. 

2) Sit and drink. ( drinking water while standing comes in Makroohaat not Haraam. so best is to Drink while sitting inshalllah. Unless you really can't ) 

3) Recite "Bismillah" before drinking. 

4) After drinking say " Alhamdullilah" . 

5) Drink in 3 breaths removing the utensil from the mouth after each sip.

6) Do not drink directly from the jug or bottle. One should pour the contents into a glass first and then drink.

7) Drinking Zam Zam water while standing is Sunnah. 

Muslim Bk 23, Number 5023 Sahi Bukhari 2.701