
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fiqh of Eid 1: To Take Ghusl and Beautify onself

1) To take a ghusl on the day of Eid is based upon the hadith of ibn umar (r) that he used to take a ghusl on the day of fitr before precedding to the musalla (Muwata imam Malik/Musnad Shafi/Mussanaf Razaq- Isnad Sahih) 

2) Imam ibn Qudamah says "It is recommend to perform ghusl for Id. Ibn Umar would perform ghusl on the day of fitr and Ali is reported to have done so aswell" [Al Mughni 2:370]

3) Sheikh Jibali says that all reports regarding prophet (peace be upon him) taking a ghusl on the day of eid are weak rather we rely on the pratice of the sahaba and tabieen which has preceeded [Al Iyad fil islam 2:7]

‎1) To beautify yourself is based upon the hadith of ibn umar (r) in sahih bukhari

2) Imam sindhi says "The hadith proves dressing up for Id days was acceptable custom among the companions and the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not object to it" [Hashiyah sunan nasai 3:181]

3) Imam Ibn qudamah says "The hadith indicted beautify oneself on the occasion was common among them (sahaha). I herd people of knowledge express the desirability of perfume and beautification for every eid" [Al mughni 2:228]

4) Imam ibn qayyim says "The prophet (peace be upon him) would wear his best clothes-he had a cloak that he wore specifically for the two eids and jummah" [Zaad al maad 1:441]

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